Wednesday, March 21, 2007

America, Seen through Photographs...darkly

I really enjoyed this read alot. There is so much in this i'm going to talk about a few things i liked. Right off the bat they talk about what makes a beautiful photograph. "a beautiful photograph is a photograph of something beautiful like a woman, a sunset." in Whitmans' words " each precise object or condition or combonation or process exhibits a beauty" Have you ever heard of the term " beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ? well i think that is what they are trying to say here. Some people think that a sunset is beautiful, which i think it is, others also think the rotting corpse of a dead animal or a chicken fetus is beauty, which i dont really. everybody has a different definiton of the term "beauty".
The importance of a photograph. They bring up the discussion of that by photographing an object or a place it makes it important. I think this is kind of true.... I wouldnt really take a picture of somethig if it didnt catch my eye or attention.
Going along with the theme of beauty I liked that they were talking about Walker Evans photographs being all beautiful no matter what he took pictures of either a victorian house or buildings in alabama towns.
The "Family Man" exhibit is something that I would have loved to been around to see. I think that it goes with the theme of America being A. a melting pot of so many diverse different peoples as well as all people are created equally and have freedom. Cause that is around the time of civil rights and what not. Diane Arbus's work on the other hand says the exact opposite of this, i dont agree with her work but respect it as well.

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