Yea.... so the first part of this essay is about the debate on photography as an art form which we've discussed to death so i'm not going to get into that.
ummm....So I know who Susan Sontag is and I do respect her but I honestly think her writing is merly just opinion and observation really. And although she brings up alot of good points its really hard for me to take her seriously because she is not a photographer or even a photo critic. Its really just like me saying i was an expert of food or a chef, but i dont cook food, prepare it or even watch them make it. I just like to eat the food... but thats about it. So I've decided to write an essay about what i, that was harsh of me, but thats just my opinion.
I agree with her when she says that there are an unlimitied number of pictures to take, cause there are so many different views its insane.
The idea of comparing a camera to a gun on the other hand, wow, its a crazy analogy but the fact that we use terms like 'shoot' and 'load' and how we 'aim' our cameras at things and then take the picture. thats an interesting idea. So those are just a few of the points that I wanted to talk about. thanks for reading.
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